Helsingorg 2021
This mural was fun to do,, I dis this one (like normal) without any sketch, just free-styling and reacting on the spot,
the way I prefer to do..so much fun.
Mr.June;s mural works are all based on his canvasses. All his canvasses are hexagons, (called cubes) .
These are little chapters of his study all about the complexity, simplicity and endless variations of the hexagon.
This mural he painted in sweden is 100% freestyle without any sketch or idea. This is for mr.June the most fun to start a mural.
I only sketch one or two diagonal lines (based on the hexagon)
from there mr.june tries to react and respond on the shapes he is painting that moment, using the elements of the shapes off the wall.
All elements are shapes he discoverd during his research of the hexagon.
This is for me the “playground” to experiment with all the elements i have in my “system” build up from the hexagon studies.
Once a while i manage to surprice myself, and thats is the fun part of creating at the spot.
POW! WOW! is all about bringing people together through arts and culture.
The streets belong to the people living and working there, and art on walls and in public space is there to be enjoyed by everyone.